“Not only an outstanding businesswoman, but also a leader all of us can emulate”







Shazi is the proud founder of Happy Baby Organics. She started in 2003 with an idea to change the world by improving children’s health. She led the company as CEO through 2017 to become the #1 organic baby food company in the US with disruptive innovations that have democratized organic food for new families.



Shazi launched Healthybaby in 2021 as an evolution of the mission to protect and enrich every child’s fullest developmental potential. Healthybaby is the culmination of her life’s work as a mother, entrepreneur, and activist in creating a new standard for every product in a baby’s environment, starting with changing diapers.





Shazi has learned so much starting businesses and advocating for children’s health; but she’s learned the most from raising her two developmentally different kids. She’s also met some of the world's brightest minds along the way. Armed with everything she wishes she’d known the first time around, Shazi wants to share the knowledge she’s gathered to help parents raise healthy connected children that reach their fullest developmental potential.

  • Columbia University Medal of Excellence

    Given to one alumnus a year - The University Medal for Excellence is awarded to an alumnus or alumna under 45 “whose record in scholarship, public service, and/or professional life is outstanding.”

  • TEDxKids

    TEDxKids @ Dingxiang Road

  • CNN

    “One mom's mission to create the world's safest diapers”